Psychologist Staff
Dr. Gillian Moore-Groarke - Psychologist

Dr. Gillian Moore-Groarke is a consultant registered health psychologist. She is a member of the Division of health psychology, PSI and BPS. She has a specialist interest in eating disorders and is author of a number of books and publications in this area. As well as being attached to the Bon Secours hospital she also runs a private practise in Harley Court, Wilton, cork. She is a regular contributor to the media on all aspects of psychology and also was a columnist for the Irish Examiner. She has lectured in UCC for a number of years. She has also been involved in various research programmes in the school of medicine, school of psychology and school of speech and language therapy and has acted as health advisor to various organisations, and has provided a number of employment assistant programmes.
Catherine Dineen - Clinical Psychologist

Catherine Dinneen is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist with 20 years’ experience working across a wide variety of clinical and therapeutic settings and is a part-time Clinical Senior Lecturer with the School of Medicine at University College Cork. She has extensive experience in dealing with morbidly obese patients. She also works therapeutically with children, adolescents and adults using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in group and individual therapy.
- B.A. in Applied Psychology (UCC)
- Post-graduate Diploma in Professional Psychology-Clinical (Ps.S.I.)
- M.Sc. Research (University of Dublin, Trinity College)
- M.A. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)
- Post-graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (University of Glasgow)
Ruth Yoder - Clinical Psychologist